Our LightForce Pro Red & Near Infrared LED Light Therapy Lights have a variety of benefits and can be part of an overall wellness routine. Light Therapy can be used to aid in faster healing, immune boosting, anti- aging, mood enhancement, muscle recovery and more. LightForce Red & Near Infrared LED Light Therapy Lights safely deliver optimal wavelengths and energy levels of Red and Near Infrared light without any harmful UV rays or excess heat all in the comfort of your home- most people find it to be warm and relaxing.
The LightForce Pro Red & Near Infrared LED Light Therapy Series has the latest optical lens technology, using powerful Red and Near Infrared(NIR) LED’s with 60 degree secondary glass lens which ensure optimum high efficiency light penetration and output irradiance. The LightForce Pro uses both Red Light (660nm) which is absorbed by your skin, leading to increased collagen production and optimal skin health and Near Infrared Light (850nm) which penetrates deeper within your body, enhancing muscle recovery and reducing joint pain. Although the wavelengths can be used individually, we recommend using both Red and NIR at the same time as it provides ultimate versatility for overall health by delivering an equal percentage of both red light and near infrared light.
The LightForce Pro has an attractive compact and modular design made from high grade aluminium. It is ‘daisy chainable’ which makes it simple and easy to join multiple light panels together to allow for a larger coverage area and all from one power point!.
It also features a new intelligent control panel with digital display and timing system which allows you to lock in your optimal therapy times from 1 to 20 minute intervals all at the press of a button.
The LightForce Pro Red & Near Infrared LED Light Therapy 500 MIDI has 100PCS of high power LED diodes which makes the light powerful and effective. It is designed for both targeted treatment and half body treatment.
Our amazing LightForce Pro’s quality and reliability are backed by a massive 3 YEAR WARRANTY and are NZ/AU Safety Certified (SDoc) .
NB- Infrared Lights appear invisible to naked eye, so will not light up.
Click on link below to view the User Guide
LightForce Pro Red & Infrared LED Panel Manual
* See Satisfaction Guarantee conditions under Warranty at top of Home Page