Our LightForce LED Red(660nm) & Infrared(850nm) Light products have a variety of benefits and can be part of an overall wellness routine. Light Therapy can be used to aid in faster healing, pain relief, immune boosting, anti- aging, mood enhancement, muscle recovery and more. LightForce LED Red & Infrared Light Therapy safely deliver optimal wavelengths and energy levels of Red and Near-Infrared light without any harmful UV rays or excess heat all in the comfort of your home.
The LIGHTFORCE LED RED & INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY SHOULDER WRAP is a powerful pain relief device. It has 96 triple chip LED diodes (96 Red 660nm and 192 Near Infrared 850nm) embedded in a 59 x 39 x 29.5cm flexible pad with a 1m x 5cm Velcro elasticised strap. This wrap is made to our specifications and will fit all including generous Kiwi sizes.
Perfect for relieving muscular aches and joint pains associated with overexertion, strains and sprains as well as pain associated with torn cartilage, torn rotator cuff, swollen bursa sacs or tendons, pinched nerve in the neck or shoulder, broken shoulder or arm bone, frozen shoulder, dislocated shoulder or injury due to overuse or repetitive use.
This product can be made to be completely portable by connecting to a USB 5V 3A power bank- also available on our website Portable Power Bank
Medical research and extensive clinical studies have shown that Light Therapy can dramatically reduce pain, accelerate injury recovery and rejuvenate skin.
1 x Shoulder Wrap
1 x USB Power Cord
1 x Elasticised Strap 1m x 5cm
1 x Gift Box
Instruction Manual
LightForce Shoulder Wrap User Manual
IMPORTANT Never leave your Wrap plugged into power, always disconnect when finished using.
Infrared Lights appear invisible to naked eye, so will not light up.
Extra Elasticised Straps 90 x 9.5cm are available for purchase.
Warranty 1 Year
* See Satisfaction Guarantee conditions under Warranty at top of Home Page